Ashes 101 Ashes of Creation Character System Overview

Character System


People have a lot of questions regarding Ashes of Creation and the Character System. This page is going to be a seemingly random string of information; however, it is going to do its best to answer the most asked questions that fall under the umbrella of Character System Questions.

You cannot change your Race or your Primary Archetype after Character Creation

You will be allowed to have alts in Ashes of Creation.

  • Alts will share your main character’s property and storage points meaning you can move gear between characters.
  • Your Main character and all your alts must be citizens of the same Node
  • Your Main character and all your alts may be members of different guilds
  • We do not know how many alts we will have per account/server
  • Intrepid has said the number of alts will be “comfortable”
  • There will not be a monetary cost for alts

There will not be server transfers

There is also no sharding or multiple instances of the same server

Character Death

  • Upon death your character will respawn at the closest respawn point unless corrupted
  • Corrupted respawn at a random respawn point near them
  • There are no corpse runs
  • You drop a percentage of your gatherables, processed good, and monster drops upon death
  • Corrupted has a percentage chance to drop gear upon death depending on their corruption score